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Total number of electors in mizoram stands at 8,56,297. Out of which 4,14,777 are male, 4,41,520 are female . There are a total of 4980 service voters in mizoram.First time voters who are in the age group 18-19 years stands at 36,214. Sex ratio of voters in mizoram is 1064. EP ratio stands at 60.64 Total number of polling stations are 1276 in number, out of which 525 fall in urban areas and 751 in rural areas. We have 100% PER and EPIC coverage
Mizoram has a total population of 10.97 Lakhs (census 2011). Literacy rate stands 91.33% . Sex ratio of the state is 976. Official Languages of the state are Mizo and English There are a total of 11 districts in mizoram, 23 sub divisions and 26 blocks. There is 1 parliamentary constituency and 40 assembly constituencies.